Intent, Implementation and Impact
Here at Hollinsclough, we follow the National Curriculum and deliver a range of subjects that are accessible and available to all pupils, irrespective of ability. Our curriculum is sequenced so that knowedge grows through the key stages. It is planned to help ensure our pupils understand their place in the world in terms of spirituality, knowledge, skills, space and time. Our nurturing approach, with the children at the centre of everything we do, helps develop their resilience, personal attributes, problem solving and literary skills, and knowledge to prepare them for the next stage in their education and contribute positively and happily to their global society. We offer Flexi-schooling to support families who have chosen the Elective Home Education route to educate their child or children and our timetabling helps facilitate an effective home/school partnership for the benefit of our pupils and their families. Through the experience we have gained since embracing Flexi-Schooling in 2009, we have developed an approach that ensures our lessons are delivered creatively, with a view to engage at all levels, and as our pupils progress they develop an appreciation of the beauty and power available through learning, along with a sense of enjoyment and curiosity in all subjects.
EYFS | |||||
Maths | English | Computing | Science | Geography | History |
Physical Education | Speaking & Listening | Holistic Intent | Languages | RE | British Values |
For information relating to our Curriculum Policies please click the following link to our Policies Page and review those under the relevant heading.
Please note the information in the table below which sets out the main expectations for the end of each year group. For more detail, please refer to the DfE National Curriculum documents.
EYFS Ages & Stages Statements | End of Reception | End of Year One |
End of Year Two | End of Year Three | End of Year Four |
End of Year Five | End of Year Six |
Medium to Long-Term Planning and links to curriculum-related documents
EYFS (Pre-School & Reception) | KS1 (Y1 to Y3) | KS2 (Y4 to Y6) | Links |
Hedgehogs Long Term Plan | Badgers Long Term Plan 2023 – 2026 | Foxes Long Term Plan 2023 – 2026 | RE Long Term Plan 2024 – 2027 |
Badgers Medium Term Plan – Spring 2025 | Foxes Medium Term Plan – Spring 2025 | ||
Calculation Policy | |||
Curriculum and Other Policies | |||
Swimming Proficiency
The National Curriculum states that by the end of Key Stage 2, pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke
- perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
We offer all pupils access to what we term ‘Flexi-Swimming’ where we provide funding for each child for 1 term (12 weeks) to have a place in group lessons at their local pool with an accredited Swim England provider, outside of core day school hours.
This approach allows us to meet DfE expectations by the end of Year 6 and also releases time in the curriculum otherwise used for swimming and its associated travel arrangements for other subjects, thereby easing pressure on teaching.
Discovery Education | Oddizzi | Maths Shed | Spelling Shed | TT Rockstars |
Oak Academy | Teach your Monster to Read | Classroom Secrets Kids | Twinkl | Google Education |
Google how to Videos |
Individual usernames and passwords are required to access these online subscriptions.
Other online learning opportunities
(Please note – We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites; the links will take you to sites outside of the school’s control.)
Other recommended sites
Fun Kids Radio | World E-Book | Epic Digital Library | STEM Learning (Science) | ||
HelpKidzLearn | MEL Science | Wonderopolis |
DfE/BESA Recommended Sites
Curriculum Support
Please use the subject links below to support your own or the current learning in school.
Courtesy of Primary Homework Help