School uniform is now available for parents to directly purchase from our supplier Motif Marketing. Orders can either be posted or you can call in collect it in person. Most items need to be ordered due to the size of our school. Please be aware that a delivery charge will apply if posted.
Uniform does not have to be branded and so if you choose to purchase non-branded items from alternative stores this is absolutely fine – trousers/skirts/leggings need to be black or grey, polo shirts need to be yellow, and sweaters/cardigans/hoodies need to be dark blue please. Shoes should be black.
Parents sometimes bring second hand uniform items in and we have a small number of these currently in school, so please do feel free to ask if you’d like to see what we have before you buy.
Orders from Motif Marketing, if you choose to opt for their products, can be made by clicking here and placing your order and completing your payment arrangement through their website.
Verbal requests can be made by contacting the company directly on 01782 534849 and ask for Katie
Email contact can be made by clicking here – this will take you to their Contact Us page, where you can explain your requirements, i.e. other sizes, coats etc..
Please note that we cannot intervene in any disputes you may have with the supplier. All collections and deliveries are personal arrangements between the parent and the company. However, please keep us informed if required should any problems arise.