Intent, Implementation and Impact
We aim to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in our children. Physical fitness is an important part of leading a healthier lifestyle. It teaches self-discipline and that to be successful you must work hard, show resilience and have the determination.
It is our intent at to teach pupils life skills that will positively impact on their future. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. We want to teach pupils how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.
Full-time pupils participate in weekly high quality PE and sporting activities. Our PE programme incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. We provide opportunities for all children to engage in physical activities during school with equipment readily and available, as well as climbing wall, slide and trim trail. There is also an after school Sports Club, and each year we pay for after school swimming lessons for every pupil, whereby parents take their own children to a swimming class near to where they live. In addition we have a whole school Outdoor week, where pupils can experience water sports, and other outdoor activities, at least three sporting competitions each year, and a whole school Sports Day competition. We have a very experienced PE teacher, who plans the curriculum, who is also a trained mental health practitioner. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.
Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all pupils, whether full-time or flexi-schooled. Not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines, PE promotes. Within our lessons, children are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility of their own health (including mental health) and fitness. Our impact is therefore to motivate children to