Our Team

TMPF Trust Board (please click on link for details)

Hollinsclough Link Trustee – Mrs Marie Bateman

Executive Principal – Mr Jared Eccles

School Leader and Foxes’ Class Teacher (years 4, 5, & 6) – Mrs Lynda O’Sullivan (Designated Safeguarding Lead and school RE and maths co-ordinator)

School Secretary – Mrs Nicola Arnold

Badgers’ Class Teacher (years 1, 2 & 3) – Mrs Heather Mottram (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, school English co-ordinator & EYFS Lead, Pupil Welfare Co-ordinator)

Hedgehogs Class (pre-reception & reception) – Mrs Emily Kirkbride (Forest School Lead) 

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Heather Smith

Learning Support Assistant – Miss Lizzie Potts

IT Support – Mr B Wardle

Caretaker – Mrs Chantelle Crichlow

Cleaning services – Moorlands Contract Cleaners

Lunch provision and supervision – Derbyshire County Council

School Curate – Revd Nicola Pepper


We are proud to be part of The Moorlands Primary Federation. If you are interested in applying for a vacancy in any of our lovely schools, here’s the ‘joining our team’ link, which will show any vacancies we currently have within the Trust.